Coming to grips with my new reality

It’s been a week since my world underwent a polar shift. I’ve gone through a grieving process of sorts and now I’m able to function again. I’m in the process of setting up my schedule for the fall semester. I’m able to see many more possibilities, transitions are difficult at best, but this has opened doors I would not have considered otherwise. I’m taking things one priority at a time. First off finish my last writing project then study for finals then worry about the move. I’ll figure out my living arrangements over the summer.

I bought a tent and plan to go camping as much as possible this summer. A mini-vacation is well deserved at this point, solitude and I are close confidantes. I’ve already scouted out a nice place in one of the national parks near my folks.

Bright Blessings

Cooking and Creativity


This is what happens when I used a bowl I thought was big enough for my crescent dough to rise in not quit.


Note to self: Don’t use the orange bowl.

I love this bowl. My mother gave it to me it’s probably as old as I am. The handles are actually two different sizes which makes it easier to pour ingredients back into their original containers. I normally use it when I measure flour. Less flour on my counter means more goes back into my gallon sized glass jars. Baking for me is a lot like jewelry making. I take different things which serve a purpose put them together and presto I have a beautiful necklace or a mouth-watering bread creation and it’s edible. That’s a real plus in my book. I bake and cook mostly from scratch to stay thin and be healthy. The only thing that I have found is better than a great meal is great company to enjoy it with.  I’m having dinner with my family this evening and tomorrow we going to celebrate my daughter’s birthday.


These are ready to go into the oven!


Hot from the oven! This batch ended up darker than I inteded and a bit larger than I wanted, but this is the first time I’ve made crescent rolls. Next time I’ll know better.

Robert Frost

I recently added the collected works of Frost to my Nook and found this poem, Revelation that really spoke to me. Frost is one of my favorite poets and of course my favorite piece of his thus far is The Road Not Taken. This part I’ve included here is not the poem in its entirety, just my favorite part. They are words I try to live by.


We make ourselves a place apart
Behind light words that tease and flout,
But oh, the agitated heart
Till someone really finds us out.
‘Tis pity if the case require
(or so we say) that in the end
We speak the literal to inspire
The understanding of a friend.
But so with all, from babes that play
At hide-and- seek God afar
So all who hide too well away
must speak and tell us where they are.

-Robert Frost

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

Took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.- Robert Frost

The new year

I’ve done some personal house cleaning leaving behind someone who was taking more than he gave. While I don’t normally make New Year’s resolutions, I did this year. NO MORE JERKS!! And if I have to stand in front of my mirror every moring and repeat that mantra until I can get it through my thick head I will. I’m as stubborn as a mule.

Dare to be..

I dare to be single until I can find some who appreciates me for who I am in the meantime I have a book to write and jewelry to make.



Point of View

When all else fails change your point of view. I had shelved a book I was writing because I was frustrated with it. The manuscript just didn’t seem to work well. I was re-reading Selgin’s book and realized what my problem was I had limited myself by writing it in first person. This book has several different cultures in it and takes places in some very different settings. So I going to separate my two main character and their settings until I get them together. Once together I’ll follow their story line until I need to add my other characters. I hope this works out better. I printed my manuscript so I can do a line by line rewrite.

I’ve been doing some serious multi-tasking today; I think I need a nap.

Dare to be…


I have added the goodreads widget to my blog. That way everyone can keep up with my reading; I am a rather prolific reader with very eclectic tastes. I’ve also added the twitter widget. I find this social media site much more intelligent when I need insight, tips and informtion on writing and publishing.

On writing and Fish

Finding the time to write in my busy schedule can be challenging but, I have to write. Or  all the thoughts that run amuck in my head will riot and I won’t be able to sleep. It’s an annoying thing staring at the ceiling at 2 am, this usually entails some creative four letter words. Along with a mental slap because I still can seem to set my notebook beside my bed.  I had to chuckle when my professor said I should hold off on my writing classes for now and start o the others. I told him as long as I have a pen and paper I’m happy. It is definitely the little things that make me giggle like a little girl. Today it was finding a comforter at a resale shop for my daughter. The blanket has pink, purple and red polka dots, a purple vase for me and a brass tray for my ottoman. I also scored a side table to go between my chair and couch.

Now for the sad news. I have a twenty-five gallon fish tank and I killed all my fish. In my defense this is my first ever tank and they got a parasite. I’m not happy my fish had to die because of my ignorance, but my lesson is well learned and reinforced by the fact that I had to throw out my rock and the decor. Today my tank has rock and the water is circulating in it again; I won’t be able to restock it until Friday. Every creature has a right to live it was my lack of knowledge and poor care that led to their demise.


Dare to be…

My book

This is the first in a series of posts relating to my book on migraines it’ll be a memoir or autobiography type. I have written an introduction and have the topics for the first three chapters worked out. Not alot of progress but, forward momentum none the less.

Dare to be…


in the moment

not afraid to follow your Bliss

After Midnight Designs

I wrote before about my desire to start another blog showcasing my jewelry.  Aftermidnightdesigns  like many other things is a work in progress; the design is quite different from The Fire Side Journal.  This just shows yet another facet of my creative spirit and there is always more to come.

Dare to be….





Thoughts from a jewelry addict

I love to make jewelry. I’ve had a shop on artfire without much success, but that isn’t as important to me as the creative proccess itself. So with my schedule about to become more flexible due to school I’m considering trying again on another marketplace. I will probably start another blog strictly for the site so I can keep this one for my mental wanderings.